住めばバンコク タイでカフェ&日本語講師&保育士&英会話&蕎麦打ち&コーチング&移住サポート&集客アイデア

Bangkok Japanese コロナ禍ですので日本の新規お客様にもオンラインで教えています。お気軽にどうぞ→ lifeinbangkok1☆gmail.com




Foreign people can join this casual workshop and have instruction in both English and Japanese.
It's also possible to be served a vegan friendly soba.

・This is the first time I've learned how to make soba.
It was a really nice experience.
Take explained in detail the procedures of soba-making and it was great fun!
It's not easy to taste home-made soba nowadays but thanks to the workshop,
I'm a part of the cuisine I enjoyed later and it felt amazing!
Making soba is an art, same as many other aspects of life that we used to regard as "ordinary".
Definitely enjoyed it!

・A great way to learn the method of making soba.
I have been wanting to learn making Japanese food.
Take-san, the host, is knowledgeable in the method and guides well.
I was late to the party but he was kind enough to explain the steps that I missed once more.
I find that making soba is an art by itself and detail steps need to be followed carefully.
It was certainly a fun afternoon! Thank you Take-san!